Category manager, foodservice
Parkland Corporation
How did you get into this business?
A dear late friend convinced me 13 years ago to apply to a job in convenience retail, and since then I have enjoyed every minute of my work and the people in the industry!
What work-related accomplishment are you most proud of during the last 12-18 months?
My biggest accomplishment recently is developing and leading the rollout of two proprietary projects for On the Run, and knowing the foundation that is being built because of them, and the magic that will be unlocked from it as we look into the future.
What do you like most about your job?
The people. Both current and former colleagues, vendors, even competitors. We are all a family, crossing paths over and over again, and it’s truly inspiring to see how we all work together to collectively grow an industry for the Canadian market.
What excites you most about the future of this channel?
The changing needs of consumers and the environment excites me in a scary way. The opportunities that lie ahead with technology and energy transformation are endless, particularly as I think about food and beverages. Consumers are on site longer, they can get things from anywhere delivered to them with a click of a button, and they are not afraid to try new things.
Anything else you would like to add?
I have definitely experienced the negative challenges and judgments that come with being a working mom. That said, I do feel that we have come a long way in this area over time, not only this industry but in our communities. We are becoming more inclusive. It’s wonderful to see and to be a part of this era. We are all capable, strong, smart individuals and there is nothing we cannot accomplish together!