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The Cadbury Bicycle Factory is back!

Fred Bexte makes room for the award-winning promotion in store

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Fred Bextemakes room for the award-winning promotion

Red Basket Foods in Brooks, AB recently underwent a renovation, and now the store is clean, organized and more streamlined than before. That’s why co-owner Fred Bexte avoids clutter by carefully choosing which consumer promotions to run in store. “We still devote some space to promotions that we believe are beneficial, as far as educating the customers about new products or showcasing specials,” he says.

He’s making room for The Bicycle Factory promotion in his store this spring because of its great track record, well-known cause, and popular products. By participating in Bicycle Factory, Canadian consumers can help send bicycles to cocoa-growing communities in Ghana. In these rural communities, school days often start and end with a two-hour walk for students, so bicycles can make a big difference in their access to education.

Canadians love this promotion, and last year’s results prove it. In 2013, 5,000 bikes were built in just 75 days during the Bicycle Factory promotion. When asked if the Bicycle Factory promotion made consumers “feel better about the brand,” the score was nearly three times above Ipsos norms [source: Ipsos Reid Tracking results, July 2013].

How it works

Consumers head to and register to become a Bicycle Factory builder. Consumers virtually select participating confectionery products, and these products transform into bike parts. Each product equals one bike part, and once 100 parts are collected, one real bike is sent to Ghana.

As Bexte says, many customers will see a prepack display but not necessarily take the time to learn about its associated cause. This is why he’ll be sure to educate his staff about the cause behind The Bicycle Factory. “We will post a description of the promotion in our staff room, and discuss it with the supervisors so they understand it and can answer any questions,” he says.

As a retailer, you can help increase excitement by displaying promotional materials in your store and getting your customers engaged in this great program. Don’t forget to make use of additional POS materials, including danglers, standees, and header cards. It’s also important to place the prepack in a high-traffic area, such as near the cash or entry.

The Bicycle Factory promotion continues to grow, so don’t miss your chance to participate. In 2013, it achieved an 18 per cent increase over 2012 in prepack sales. It’s a well-known promotion, and soon, customers will be looking for it when they enter your store.

Key details

Retail release: March 31, 2014

Key brands: Cadbury singles and pieces, Dairy Milk, Dentyne, Maynards and Trident.


Year to date: Since the program launched in 2009, 23,300 bikes have been sent to more than 200 cocoa-growing communities in Ghana

TV advertising support: 7 weeks, starting May 28, 2014

Learn more: Contact your Mondelēz Canada or wholesale rep to order prepacks

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