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The countdown is on! March 8 & 9, 2022

Save the date: The Convenience U CARWACS Show returns live and in-person!

The Convenience U CARWACS Show brings together retailers, distributors and suppliers from the convenience, gas and car wash industries for two days of learning, networking and discovery of the latest and greatest products.

Mark your calendars - MARCH 8 & 9, 2022 -  as the Show returns live and in-person for the first in two years! 

You won't want to miss this opportunity to reconnect and reenergize your business at Canada's largest and best-attended industry event!

We know it's four month away, but we're excited and we know you are, too! Here are the 10 tips to get the most from the show:

1. Get pumped. There’s a lot to see and do in two days, so put yourself in the right mindset when you arrive at the show to make the most of the experience.

2. Prepare to learn. Attend as many educational seminars as you can to learn best practices and insights you can take back to build your business.

3. Join the discussion. Other retailers and operators have valuable experiences to share, so participate in roundtable discussions.

4. Pay attention. Keep your eyes and ears open during educational sessions and during discussions to absorb useful information to enhance your site.

5. Make connections. Spend time with other retailers, establishing meaningful connections that will last beyond the show experience.

6. Map it out. Determine which booths to visit before you head onto the trade show floor; it’s a large space, and you’ll save time if you know exactly where to go.

7. Build relationships. Foster a stronger connection with your suppliers by visiting them on the show floor for beneficial face-to-face time.

8. Keep an open mind. When you engage with other retailers and industry experts, listen to their ideas and advice; you never know what might spark a great idea.

9. Be daring. Look for ideas that fall outside your comfort zone; don’t be afraid to try something new!

10. Enjoy yourself. From lunch and learn sessions to cocktails and gala parties, this is your change to celebrate the convenience, gas and car wash industries!

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Watch this space for event updates and registration information!

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The Convenience U CARWACS Show
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