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Customer rips door off hinges after becoming irate when told she had to wear a facemask


Being forced to wear a face mask inside businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic is a polarizing issue across the province.

Some people are taking it with stride while others are getting downright irate. In fact, one customer at Biggar's Main Street Market store became so infuriated when she was told she had to wear a mask that she ripped the front door right off of its hinges.

READ: How to get customers to comply with COVID-19 safety measures

Biggar Main Street Market owner Shirley Kegler took the incident in stride - not even threatening to call the RCMP or filing a police report.

"It just pushed forward the (door's) replacement,'' the good-natured business owner said Monday afternoon in a matter-of-fact manner. "That was about it. It was an old door. It was on its last legs.''

Kegler said she didn't witness the incident but added that one of her customers saw the "door unhinging.''

"She was mad, swearing and cursing, saying she didn't want to wear a mask and ripped off the door.''

The door is being replaced this afternoon and until it's completed, customers are forced to come and go through the back door.

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