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WCSA: Celebrating c-stores' contribution to communities

Please take a few minutes to help us tell the story about how convenience stores contribute to local and regional causes.

WCSA-New-Logo-300x184Many convenience stores make significant contributions to their local communities. They support local and national charities, sporting teams and associations, youth activities, even international crises through activities like fundraising, car washes, donations, volunteer employees and barbeques. They do so with little or no fanfare or recognition. Consequently, governments overlook these contributions when making decisions that impact our industry.

The WCSA wants to make sure Western Canadian governments have a clear understanding that when they pass regulations that negatively impact our businesses, they are also indirectly impacting our industry’s ability to help their constituents. Although retailers do not expect recognition for their contributions, it’s nonetheless a story that needs to be told.

Please take a few minutes to help us tell the story about how convenience stores contribute to local and regional causes. Please fill out this short survey. It is 4 questions long and should only take a few minutes.

We will use this information to celebrate the industry while strengthening our ability to advocate with governments on your behalf.

Your information will be treated as confidential and will only be used to estimate the industry’s contribution and put together the big picture about what convenience stores do for their communities.

Thank you for all you do!

Andrew Klukas
President, Western Convenience Stores Association

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