Matt Verity
Car Wash & Self Storage Consulting Services
In 2023, the Canadian car wash industry flourished, setting the stage for a promising year ahead. In 2024, car wash operators eagerly seek insights into upcoming trends that will shape their success. While familiar trends like the growth of membership programs persist, two emerging post-pandemic trends stand out for sustainable growth in the coming year.
1. Automation drives profits: Technology's evolution has revolutionized consumer-business interactions, notably accelerated by the pandemic. Car wash operators increasingly rely on technological advancements—apps, virtual wallets, remote monitoring, RFID chips, License Plate Recognition (LPR), and point-of-sale (POS) systems—to enhance convenience, streamline operations, cut labor costs, and boost profitability.
2. Embracing green initiatives spurs growth: The rising emphasis on eco-consciousness reshapes consumer preferences, driving a shift towards environmentally responsible practices. Car wash operators incorporating eco-friendly methods like water recycling systems, energy-efficient technologies and biodegradable cleaning solutions not only align with consumer values, but also position them as champions of environmental sustainability, gaining a competitive edge.
Optimism abounds for the Canadian car wash industry, yet challenges loom, including supply chain disruptions, labour shortages, escalating operational costs, increased taxes and borrowing expenses. Addressing these challenges is crucial for operators to sustain their competitiveness. The year ahead holds promise, but adaptation to these trends and adeptly handling challenges is essential for car wash operators to thrive.