Conagra provides bonuses to front-line staff
Conagra Brands is to provide an additional US$7 million in cash bonuses to eligible employees at each of the company's 50 production and distribution facilities across the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
To date, the company has committed more than US$13 million in special bonuses for front-line employees working during the pandemic.
"On behalf of the senior management team, I'd like to extend my deepest appreciation and thanks to our employees for their refuse-to-lose attitude in continuing to work safely and effectively to deliver our products to customers, consumers and our communities during this unprecedented time," Sean Connolly, president and chief executive officer at Conagra Brands, said in a release. "Over the past two months, our production and distribution facility teams have done a tremendous job to make and deliver food that millions of people need."
Since the COVID-19 epidemic began, Conagra Brands said it has implemented additional preventative measures to help reduce the spread of the virus. These include:
- Social distancing practices, such as installing plexiglass barriers between work stations where people work less than six feet apart
- Staggering shift start and stop times
- Screening employee temperatures
- Using face masks and shields in the company's facilities
- Reformatting breakrooms and limiting conference room usage
- Rigorous plant maintenance and sanitation processes
- Continuing to pay any employee who needs to be away from work due to a COVID-19-related production suspension or illness.