Imperial Tobacco Canada calls for united approach to reducing smoking in Canada
As National Non-Smoking Week begins, in an open letter to politicians and health groups, Imperial Tobacco Canada appeals for a coordinated and joint effort by government, health organizations, academics and the private sector to embrace pragmatic, science-based policies to reduce smoking rates to below five percent and become a smoke-free nation.
"Canada stands at a pivotal moment in the fight against smoking. Despite significant progress, smoking remains one of the leading causes of preventable illness and death, with over 12 percent of Canadians still smoking," writes Frank Silva, president and CEO of Imperial Tobacco Canada. "Alarmingly, many people mistakenly believe that smokeless alternatives—such as vaping products, or nicotine pouches (an innovative nicotine replacement therapy that can aid in quitting)—are just as harmful as cigarettes."
READ: World No Tobacco Day looks to inform public on the dangers of using tobacco
Silva cites Sweden and New Zealand as examples for Canada to follow. Both countries have dramatically reduced their smoking rates by prioritizing and encouraging the use of alternative nicotine products. In November 2024, Sweden was the first country to official become smoke-free. Sweden's public health agency show that just 4.5% of the nation's Swedish-born adults smoke, significantly below the globally recognized benchmark of 5% for smoke free status.
The company outlines three key points that can drive a decrease in smoking rates:
- Stop Young People from Using Nicotine Products
- Eliminate Contraband Nicotine Products
- Empower Smokers to Quit or Seek Less-Harmful Alternatives
"I know that some of you view the tobacco and nicotine industry's involvement to reduce smoking with skepticism," continued Silva. "Only together can we design solutions that protect youth, support smokers in their journey to quit or switch to a less harmful alternative and tackle the contraband market head-on."