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  • Alberta premier Jason Kenney says provincial carbon tax will die May 30

    Premier Jason Kenney says Alberta's carbon tax has about two weeks to live.
  • What convenience store operators can learn from Amazon Go

    In September 2018, Amazon opened its fourth Amazon Go store, this time in Chicago.  If convenience store operators assumed there would be long lines of people eagerly awaiting the store opening, they would be wrong.
  • Convenience Store News Canada launches 4 themed digital newsletters

    Convenience Store News Canada is thrilled to announce four fresh digital newsletters designed to provide the news and information on topics important to you and the success of your business.
  • Imperial Tobacco denounces plain packaging

    In the wake of the Health Canada's new legislation, Imperial Tobacco is coming out swinging, calling plain packaging a “nanny state” approach that does little to change consumer behaviour.“We remain shocked that despite all of the evidence, the Government of Canada is moving ahead with bad public policy,” said Eric Gagnon, head of corporate and regulatory affairs at Imperial Tobacco Canada.  “The experience of other countries demonstrates that plain packaging does not change consumer behaviour and that it’s a proven way to fuel an already booming illegal tobacco market in Canada.”Imperial Tobacco points out 20 percent of the market remains controlled by illegal operators and criminal organizations selling products outside of any regulatory framework and untaxed (depriving Canadian governments of more than $2 billion in tax revenue every year).“The illegal tobacco problem in Canada is poised to get much worse now that it will be impossible to differentiate between a legal and illegal product.  Not only has the federal government had its head in the sand for long enough when it comes to illegal tobacco, they have facilitated the thriving illegal market by allowing illegal operators unfettered access to the Canadian market,” says Gagnon. “The RCMP have stated that there are 50 illegal factories operating in Canada and 175 criminal gangs involved in the illegal trafficking of tobacco, and the feds have done nothing about it.  They now need to step up and address the issue they created themselves.”Still, plain packing continues to gain traction around the globe.
  • ID please: Here's what c-store operators need to know about vaping regulations

    Although Health Canada acknowledges that vaping is less harmful than smoking, the country’s national health overseer also has serious concerns about e-cigarettes and related products.
  • Quebec judge rules law that prevents vaping from being advertised to smokers violates "freedom of expression"

    Quebec is within its rights to legislate on vaping, but a provision banning demonstrations of vaping products inside shops or specialized clinics goes too far, a Quebec judge has ruled.
  • Vaping and c-stores: 6 burning questions answered

    Not all that long ago, tobacco was the staple for c-stores across Canada.
  • JUUL Labs launches secret shopping program

    Is that a customer or a secret shopper?
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