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Technomic study highlights food and packaging trends

A growing number of people want to see reusable packaging for their food purchases.
Tom Venetis head shot
Technomic Graph showing percentage of consumers wanting environmental packaging.

Technomic’s newest Food Industry Insights findings has several takeaways that will be of interest to c-store and foodservice providers looking to get a gauge on consumer food buying trends.

The study, which summarizes noteworthy Canadian foodservice findings for the week of August, 14 finds that while menu prices rose, with an average increase of 7.1% in the last year, what should be of interest to c-store operators is the growth in value meals that can be part of c-store offerings. Technomic finds that burrito value meals grew 250%, quesadilla value meals some 187.5% and bowl value meals 120%.

Another interesting finding is that global flavours and foods are also finding a place amongst consumers, such as Cuban and Persian, as just two examples. Other flavours finding growing acceptance amongst discerning food buyers include Korean gochujang (33.3%) and Mexican poblano (29.2%). Healthy food options are another fast-growing menu item according Technomic, especially those that emphasize free-range (13.3%), grass-fed (5.4%) and antibiotic-free (2.4%).

READ: C-store IQ Healthy Eating Report

Technomic also asked consumers in 25 countries about their attitudes toward environmentally sustainable and reusable packaging programs. It finds a growing number of people want to see reusable packaging for their food purchases. As an example, 47% and 40% of respondents in Asia and the Middle East say they participated in reusable food container programs. And there is plenty of room to grow. Technomic finds that some 54% of global participants in the survey say they would like to participate in a reusable cup and food container program. Many consumers in almost every region say that they would be more likely to order from a foodservice provider that provides environmentally friendly packaging. 

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