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Edmonton city council votes to restrict the sale of knives in convenience stores

The goal is to limit convenient or impulsive access to knives. Does not affect the sale of everyday cutlery.
Pocket Knives on a wooden table

City council has passed a bylaw that restricts the sale of knives in Edmonton convenience stores. 

Mayor Amarjeet Sohi says convenient and quick access to knives makes the community less safe.

The city's business licence bylaw has been amended to add a convenience store category and a definition of knives that cannot be sold in those businesses. 

The goal is to limit convenient or impulsive access to knives, but doesn't affect the sale of everyday cutlery. 

READ:  City of Edmonton looking to restrict sale of knives at c-stores

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The bylaw is to come into effect for individual stores when they apply for a new licence or renew an existing one, but businesses are being urged to voluntarily remove knives from their shelves immediately. 

The city says the approach to enforcement will mainly be complaint-based and that police will be able to seize weapons when required. 

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