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  • Running with the seasons

    Three Mont-Sainte-Anne area dépanneurs help feed ski regulars Quebec convenience store owner Alain Royer is no expert skier.    But he’s a wizard when it comes to zigzagging through the challenges of running three winter-dependent stores at the foot of Mont-Sainte-Anne, the largest ski resort in Eastern Canada, all called Marché Mont-Ste-Anne.    “We’re like ski shops and other seasonal operators,” says Royer. “If there’s no snow, we’re in trouble.” Tourists, he adds, make up roughly two-thirds of total store revenues. Nearly three-quarters of those sales happen during peak ski season from December to March.
  • Building an empire

    Pétroles Alcasyna continues to grow, but keeps its family roots firmly planted
  • Portables perform

    Nutritious portable snacks are responding to consumer demands for quick, healthy between-meal food options. Is your store making the most of the opportunity?
  • Triple run

    This Muskoka triple-threat operator has grown its business by seeking a better way in everything they do.
  • The value of customer service

    This Quebec c-store puts the focus on the customer with superior staff training and an eye for industry trends.
  • CCA Carwash Tour 2016

    Canadian Carwash Association (CCA) shines a light on best practices
    CNUE16_CarWashBusTour_KellyGray_getting on the bus (might want to crop
  • CCA raises money for the London Food Bank

    The CCA is working with municipalities on the local level and engaging in community affairs in an effort to spread the word about environmental carwashing practices...
  • A new car wash experience

    Photos by Brandon Gray Since Manny Kang was a teenager, he’s taken great pride in caring for cars.
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